# Firmware Library

Working with a firmware library allows you to bring your own functionality to the (tag) device while interfacing with our powerful UWB capabilities.

Here's an overview of (some of the) functions available in the library.

# General

# set subversion

void        ctx_set_subver(uint8_t subver);

Parameters: [1] subver

# get short uID

uint16_t    ctx_get_uid_short(void);

Parameters: /

# get long uID

uint64_t    ctx_get_uid_long(void);

Parameters: /

# get tag is fast

uint8_t     ctx_tag_is_fast(void);

Parameters: /

# Tagdata

# get tagdata

uint8_t *   ctx_get_tagdata(void);

Parameters: / Return value: Pointer to the tagdata structure.

# get tagdata length

uint16_t    ctx_get_tagdata_len(void);

Parameters: / Return value: Length of the tagdata

# get tagdata done

void        ctx_get_tagdata_done(void);

Parameters: / Return value: /

# set tagdata

uint8_t     ctx_set_tagdata(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len);

Parameters: [1] pointer to the tagdata out, [2] tagdata length Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK

# set tagdata done

uint8_t     ctx_set_tagdata_done(void);

Parameters: / Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK

# User Environment (flash memory)

# Save User Environment

uint8_t     ctx_flash_save_user_environment(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);

Parameters: [1] pointer to which the user environment has to be written, [2] length to write Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK

# Read User Environment

uint8_t     ctx_flash_read_user_environment(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);

Parameters: [1] pointer to which the user environment has to be read, [2] length to read Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK


# usb is connected

uint8_t     ctx_usb_is_connected(void);

Parameters: / Return value: 0 = not connected, 1 = connected

# usb data read

uint16_t    ctx_usb_data_read(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len);

Parameters: [1] pointer to which the usb data has to be read, [2] length to read Return value: ...

# usb data write

uint16_t    ctx_usb_data_write(char *buf, uint16_t len);

Parameters: [1] pointer to which the usb data has to be written, [2] length to write Return value: ...

# Sensors

# set default values

void        ctx_sens_set_default_values(void);

Parameters: / Return value: /

# save sample count to external flash

uint32_t    ctx_sens_save_to_ext_flash_sample_cnt(void);

Parameters: / Return value: ...

# increase sample count saved to external flash

void        ctx_sens_save_to_ext_flash_sample_cnt_inc(void);

Parameters: / Return value: /

# save sensor values to external flash

uint8_t     ctx_sens_save_to_ext_flash(void);

Parameters: / Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK

# set auto taguserdata

uint8_t     ctx_sens_auto_taguserdata(void);

Parameters: / Return value: 0 = NOK, 1 = OK

# initialize parameters

void        ctx_sens_param_init(void);

Parameters: / Return value: ..

sensors2_t * ctx_sens_store_values(sens_data_t *data);
sensors_t *  ctx_get_stored_values(void);
uint16_t     ctx_sens_get_sample_rate(void);
uint16_t     ctx_sens_thread_delay(void);
void         ctx_sens_thread_suspend(void);
void         ctx_sens_thread_delay_us(uint32_t us);
void         ctx_sens_thread_delay_ms(uint32_t ms);
void         ctx_sens_interrupt_init(void);
void         ctx_sens_interrupt_wait(void);

# Timing

# get synchronized time

uint64_t    ctx_time_get_sync_time(void);

Parameters: / Return value: The synchronized time. Format = ..

# get local time

uint32_t    ctx_time_get_local_time(void);

Parameters: [1] pointer to which the usb data has to be written, [2] length to write Return value: The local time. Format = ..

Last Updated: 3/11/2022, 5:37:21 PM